The day after, all well in Nozawa Onsen

by Mark on March 12, 2011

Firstly all the guests and locals in Nozawa Onsen are fine which is great news.

Yesterday afternoon we experienced a fairly decent tremor in Nozawa Onsen but was not severe here.
It was major North of Tokyo in Sendai and even worse were the tsunamis that followed.

Then this morning at 4 am we were woken by a fairly strong tremor here in Nozawa.
It was followed by several after shocks which kept everyone on edge until the sun came up and things seemed to settle
Luckily we are all fine and at this stage damage is minimal in Nozawa Onsen.

Public transport and flights are on hold at the moment so some guests may have an extended stay as will be hard to get home for now
They are working on getting all the trains back up and running
It appears that the roads to Tokyo and Narita are passable

It is clear skies here which is great but the lifts are on hold for now

Hopefully things will get back to normal soon and we will try and keep you posted
Our thoughts and prayers are with all those poor souls North of Tokyo that have been affected.

Views from Villa Nozawa March 12th all calm after the quake

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

David Alexander March 16, 2011 at 1:53 am

Hi. Just wanted to say thanks for keeping the posts up the last few days. It was comforting to hear that the impact in Nozawa was minimal.

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