Birds eye view of Nozawa Onsen

by Mark on December 6, 2015

Looks like we have had another bit of a dusting up top in Nozawa overnight with the trees up top a nice white haze this morning.

For anyone wanting a birds eye view of the current conditions in Nozawa it does not get much better than this footage taken yesterday from above! Seiji san arigatou ne.

As you can see lots of white up there so although there is not enough for the powers to be to open the lifts we hopefully have a bit of a base to get us started once we get another good dump.

The guys that went to Ryuoo Park for a ski yesterday had a ball, just the one beginner run open but good for anyone new to the sport and wanting a taste of the winter rush.

The forecast looks like clear skies the next few days, which is nice if you are going to the beach, but for us some stormy winter weather would have been welcomed! Anyway please enjoy the views for now…

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